How To Get Rid Of Poodle Tear Stains?

If you have a Poodle who is, unfortunately, suffering from this stubborn problem then keep on reading because here you will find all the possible causes and solutions to get rid of Poodle Tear Stains.
Tear stain is one of the most recurring problems encountered by many dog breeds, especially susceptible are poodles. Its characteristic appearance is the presence of rusty brown-reddish tint around the eyes, nose, and rarely on the cheeks. This ugly discoloration is mainly caused by dog tears which contain oxidizing agents like Iron and Magnesium.
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How To Get Rid Of Poodle Tear Stains?
Getting rid of tear stains from your pet might seem a hard thing to get done, but it’s not that hard when the right products at the right time are used.
Especially when you own a white poodle, the stains would be more prominent, unlike the poodle that has a black color or so.
When you notice that your poodle has tear stains, it is always great to have your veterinarian examine the dog because those can be a result of a medical issue as well.
After you had the veterinarian test your pup, he or she would let you know the best ways that can be carried out to remove the tear stains. That can be either utilization of a tear stain remover or a simple home remedy (if tear stains aren’t a sign of any disease).
However, some of the most useful methods are listed below:
● Usage of mild Hydrogen Peroxide (eyes to be avoided!); can reduce the tear stain color.
● Grooming
● Boric acid lightens the tear stain
● Using Terra Septic eye drops.
● wiping the tear stains regularly.
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Poodle eye discharge
Full-sized, miniature, or teacup, Poodles are terrific dogs. It is believed that they don’t cast off (fur or hair). Poodles are special because they grow hair not fur; nevertheless, they are more vulnerable to get eye boogers than the other dog breeds. Don’t panic!
It is surely fine to have gunk in the eye. You must be wondering why poodles are at a high risk of catching eye boogers? Here are some of the causes and cure
The hair beneath the eyes will be red, rusty, or brownish in shade, hair may feel difficult to comb, and hair may also feel fragile.
When hair around the eyes is dampened, the frequent presence of saline and other elements in the tear causes discoloration or if hair remains wet, a red yeast infection can adjust in. The most common causes include allergies, consuming dirty tap water, and teething.
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How to get rid of this stubborn problem?

Swabbing the patches with Hydrogen Peroxide or using any ointment, using special grooming products for the fur, and washing the body regularly can help in removing tear stains.
Poodle Tear Stains Home Remedy
There are heaps of ways that can be put into practice to remove tear stains out of your poodle pet but wait… Won’t you prefer a natural way of doing so?
Since a natural method does not harm the pet like any other chemical or medication procedure, everyone wants to know one such way.
Clean your pup regularly. |
Use pure Corn Flour on the areas where there are more tear stains. |
Protect your pup from exposure to sunlight because it turns the color of the stains darker |
Use tums. Though, an antacid for humans, it is often used as a remedy for pup’s tear stains. |
Feed your poodle with grain-free food because consuming grain can be allergic to poodles and can result in the production of more tears and cause discoloring (staining) |
Coconut Oil for Dog Tear Stains
The use of coconut oil for animals (such as pets) has become trendy in the past few years. Impressive health benefits create an opportunity for human beings to widely use them for their pets.
Is Coconut Oil Good For The Poodles Especially For The Tear Stain?
Yes! It is fantastic for poodle use because a water-resistant barrier is created by the oil for repulsing of tear, not letting it soak in, and remains on the face.
An agent that naturally fights against yeast build-up and bacteria. The natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal agents in coconut oil not only help to remove the tear stains, but coconut oil is also totally safe to use around or in your pets’ eyes.
Method to use
Firstly, make the area dry where you want to apply it. Massage gently with the oil near the nose and under the eyes. Make sure to clean your hands with soap before a massage. Now take a soft piece of cloth to wipe it properly. Repeat this method twice a day until it disappears.
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Toy Poodle Eye Problem

A dog’s quality of life can be badly affected by eye defects, and if not treated properly can lead to blindness in a short time.
Toy poodle eye problems can either be inherited or can be caused by different diseases such as diabetes mellitus, eye injury, etc. Some of the commonest eye defects encountered by a toy poodle are as follows:
Glaucoma: It is an excruciatingly painful condition occurring in both humans and dogs. The symptoms of Glaucoma in a toy poodle are:
1. Watery eyes
2. Squinting
3. Blurring of the cornea
4. Redness in the whites of the eye
Cataract: It usually appears in older toy poodles. The characteristic presentation of a cataract is that the lens of the eye gradually starts to appear more and more cloudy and opaque. It can be treated surgically. The symptoms include:
1. Clumsy gait
2. Constant scratching of eyes
3. Changes in pupil size and color
Distichiasis: It is an inherited eye disorder causing the appearance of extra hair on the inner surface of the eyeball. If untreated can lead to the development of severe corneal ulcer which is in itself a painful condition. The treatment includes permanent removal of the extra hair: prompt medical care can increase your pet’s life.
Genetic eye disease in poodles
The genetically inherited eye disorders can appear just after birth or later on in any stage of the poodle’s life. Some of such eye diseases are as follows:
Optic Nerve Hypoplasia: As the name indicates, there is a genetic defect in the development of the optic nerve. It is a rare autosomal recessive disorder, having two types. It can be unilateral affecting one eye or bilateral affecting both the eyes. On examination, the poodles suffering from this condition show the following symptoms:
- Visual impairment
- Dilated Pupils
- Pupils remain fixed
Progressive Retinal Atrophy: It is caused by multiple gene mutations which lead to degeneration of Rods and Cones of the retina. The symptoms are Progressive loss of vision, grey eye color, and cloudy appearance of the eyeball.
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Take Away
Just like dark circles under the eyes don’t give pleasant look to humans, the same goes for your pet. No ugly red tint will suit your companion; hence, you should get rid of tear stains on your poodle.
Always keep a keen look at your dog’s condition and if you encounter any of the symptoms, then it’s high time that you visit a vet’s clinic. Keep your companion happy and healthy, and he will make you happier!